Location of caches
Profile Awards
Village Hall Week
Placing a cache
Geocoin Race
A series of geocaches placed at or near village halls or community centres.
The series can be added to by any geocacher by applying for a series number.
See how many Village Hall Series geocaches you have found or placed and where you rank against other players.
Various statistics, charts and top 10 lists about the series
Statistics provided by GSAK
Village Hall Series caches can be found in England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
Log in to Geocaching.com and follow the link below to see the locations
Geocaching profile badges can be earned by finders and cache owners. 10 levels of badges available.
Follow the link to see which level you have reached.
Visit the shop for geocoins, keyrings and 3D printed geocaches.
Currently no online payment option but fill out form with your requirement and you will be sent payment details.
Follow the link to see what events and challenges the Village Hall Series have enjoyed over the years.
Instructions to add profile badges and VHW statistics.
Follow the link for the latest announcements about the Village Hall Series
Read a potted history of the series and how it has grown since it started in 2013.